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Simext Amazon Web Services Cloud Solution

  • Resource Monitoring (RAM , Hard Disk space, Internet / Network/ Bandwidth, hosting environment, etc.) Resource Monitoring
  • Auto Backup & Restore
  • Disaster Management


Can they be customized as per your specific / unique business requirements? 
* Can these frameworks accelerate business growth and productivity? 

Do these frameworks work for all sizes of business – small, medium or large?

Do they actually facilitate faster and better management decisions based on the spot status of the business?

Are they able to provide integrated, real-time information and track current status of inter-related processes across various business functions / departments and geographies?

Do they actually facilitate in reducing delivery time and increasing profit margins?
* Do they ensure optimum utilization of resources and people’s time, thus increasing profit margins and reducing cost?

Aren’t these frameworks / software systems difficult to use by a common man? 
* Do they support multiple languages / accounting standards? Are they suitable for any market worldwide?

Has success of the framework been proven by numerous deployments worldwide, in business of varying sizes (small, medium and large)?

* Can we proceed forward in a phased manner? 

YES.     There are frameworks / software systems to manage and grow business more smoothly. Simext’s BizInt is a set of such frameworks / software systems.

The system is a ready solution that one can start working on immediately. An off the shelf / out of the box software system might meet one’s needs or it may require configurations / customizations.

The system is customizable as per unique / ground-level specific requirements of an organization. A customized solution is drawn out based on the processes and workflow as is followed by the organization.

 Specific processes / modules can be implemented in phases.

Specific “Enterprise Software Solutions” are offered for Manufacturing, Point of Sale (POS)/ Retail and Warehousing.

Day to day business challenges are more manageable using such frameworks.

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