Job Vacancy

Careers >> Current Openings

Please go through the current openings. If your skill-set matches the requirements, contact us or send a mail at the below mentioned details.

Even if there is no current opening matching your skill-set, we encourage you to forward your resume for any future available requirements.

Any professional who has send his / her resume in the last 6 months need not send it again. 

Mail your resumes to:

Simext team will connect with you soon.

Regular Openings:

  • Java / J2EE Developers : Junior to Senior level (2+ / 6+ years experience)
  • Business Development : Junior to Senior level (3+ / 7+ years experience)
  • Sales Professionals : Junior to Senior level (3+ / 7+ years experience)
  • Digital Marketing : Junior to Senior level (2+ / 6+ years experience)

(P.S.: Exact requirements would be shared with the candidate in person)

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